Bicycle trailer built; finished, here it is folks.
Hyer world wide folks, Well at last my marathon build is done. No plans not done it before, tried all sorts of ways of making it. I finished it at 5 of the clock today 29th of July 2017. Well here are the photo's of the finished product with door wheels tow bar the whole lot.
can you see the cupboard door handle on this picture? That came off my neighbours cupboards. He was throwing out a lot of oak cupboard doors and draw fronts so I cleared them away as they were cluttering his drive... Eh? Well yeah, it helped me too, The glass doors I made windows for my shed with them and the others I am fitting my shed out with them; I will cover that project in another blog post.
In this photo you can see the bolts that are holding the hinges on.
Here is how I am bolting the door. I have put an old door bolt sneck on the door itself, I had to break one screw wing off by putting it in my vice and bending it down with a large pair of plyers, it just snapped off straight away; usually when I try anything like that something breaks where I don't want it breaking. You could use 2 bolt snecks but I only had one, plus this weird thing in my may come in handy someday tin, No idea what it came off.
Here it is closed; just to show you it works; and how it works of course.
Here is the Pin I was telling you about yesterday. I thought I would show you a close-up of it in situ.
Above and below are a photo's of the hinges that also came from my neighbours Kitchen cupboards.
The Bones, Shamrocks, Dogs and Flowers were done by me
drilling holes with a hole drill; or spade drill sometimes, then using an electric jigsaw to do the stalks, petals, dogs ears and the straight part of the bones; notice that one hole for the bone is smaller than the one next to it to make it look natural . The writing and dog and bowl drawings on the door I did with a Dremel plunge router. the paint is acrylic paint.
Here is Bonnies inside view of the door from the inside..
Well folks that's it. I will do another project soon, I hope I have given you plenty of tips; as well as things not to do, like using kitchen and shower splashboards outside; they looked very nice; but I doubt if they would have lasted long.
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